Monday, April 4, 2022

BLS is arriving soon! The new route 'Brennitzer Linienstern' is a network of railways, delevering hours of fun with your collection of trains in TraiSimulator2022.
BLS is onderweg. De nieuwe route 'Brennitzer Linienstern' is een netwerk van spoorlijnen, voor urenlang plezier met uw verzameling treinen van TrainSimulator2022.
Bekijk de interactieve kaart hier.

Sunday, March 27, 2022


A very nice feature of the upcoming route Brennitzer Linienstern (BLS) is the station of Allersberg (in reality along a SFS route near Neuremberg).
The station is partly similar to the original, also in it's story, Allersberg is not situated near the station. Along the site remains of a former local railway to Allersberg can be found, a favourite topic of SAD Railsim...
In BLS Allersberg is also along the SFS line of that route, and is part of a Local Express Train between 3 cities.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

We are in the last weeks of development. Beta testing... Looking foward to end this project and to give birth.. ;)

Here one of the special features. It is possible to shut down or malfunction a levelcrossing by scenarioscript. In this example a levelcrossing is out of order and secured with chains and signs.

Friday, January 28, 2022

We are back again... Time to revitalite this site, while we know that Facebook is not that funny anymore...